Grande Finale

Project 52, week 52: Grande Finale. The last week in our Project 52! I can hardly believe it’s been a year already. Needless to say, I’ve had quite a lot of fun and learned a lot!

I ordered prints of all my p52 photos and teamed up with Robin as my gear supplier/roadie/camera man. We needed a lot of attempts before the ‘flying’ photos did what we want. And it took a lot of Photoshopping to make the image look right. See if you recognize any images (and if you can spot the double ones!)

Canon 580EX II @1/8, 28mm, subject left, through 45″ umbrella
Nikon SB900 @1/4, 17mm, below subject right, through 45″ umbrella
Sigma EF-500 DG Super @1/4, 24mm, behind background and subject, bare
Nikon SB800 @1/8, 24mm, behind background above subject, bare
All triggered using Cactus V5

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