New Beginnings

I’ve found a new job and have moved back to Enschede. The company’s located in a very pretty former monastery called Dolphia, with all kinds of authentic features like stained glass, church benches, and prehistoric heating. Now that I make a decent living, I can finally treat myself to some equally decent gear. I really like my Olympus E-510 with kit lenses, but any entry-level DSLR leaves things to want when you get a bit more serious with your hobby. So, I’ve finally taken the plunge and treated myself to a Canon 5D mark II, with a (second hand) EF 17-40mm 1:4 L lens. (A 70-200mm 1:4 IS is soon to come.)

Of course, a camera from a different brand that’s a few leagues up in class takes some getting used to, but right off the bat I’m really impressed and pleased with the detail you can capture with L-glass and a 21 Mpixel full-frame sensor! And the DOF (even at f/4.0) is just beautiful — especially since my Oly has a 2.0 crop factor, which seriously limits DOF.

Right now I’m a very happy camper, with many months and years of experimenting with my new gear ahead of me!